Historische Geld- und Kapitalmarktdatenbank
This dataset contains end-of-month prices of ordinary shares (Stammaktien) of German companies listed on the stock exchanges of Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Leipzig, Köln and München, in addition to the total amount of the share capital and the annual amount of dividends paid. The dataset consists of 6 Excel-files (one per exchange) with 13 tabs each (one tab per industry, i..e. ), in addition to a PDF-file (Anmerkungen.pdf) with the full name of the company (company names are abbreviated in the Excel-files) and additional information on capital changes, name changes and mergers. It also includes an MS Word-file with a short description of the data and a lenght PDF-file with a detailed more detailed description of the database.
Written in
Frankfurt am Main : Center for Financial Studies (Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität)
Stock Exchange | Berlin Stock Exchange | Frankfurt Stock Exchange | Hamburg Stock Exchange | Köln Stock Exchange | Leipzig Stock Exchange | München Stock Exchange | Dividends | Share | Share price
Publication date (range)
2008 – 2008
Temporal Coverage
1871 – 1914